Christian Maeder leaves the Artemis Group


Christian Maeder, chief financial officer CFO of the Artemis Group and chairman of the board of directors of Franke Holding AG, will leave the Artemis Group in spring 2023. The company announced that search for his successor has been initiated. The chairmanship of the board of directors of Franke Holding AG will be taken over by Alexander Pieper, currently vice chairman, as of spring 2023.

Pieper knows the Franke Group well. Before becoming CEO of Swiss tool manufacturer Kraftwerk, he worked for 13 years at Franke in various management roles in Germany and abroad, such as Managing Director of the subsidiaries in the United Arab Emirates and the Philippines. In addition, he has been a member of the board of directors of Artemis Holding AG since 2015 and will be more involved in the Artemis Group in the future as part of the generation change.

Michael Pieper, owner and CEO of the Artemis Group, regrets the departure of Christian Maeder and expressly thanks him for his achievements in the various areas of responsibility in the Group as well as for the trustful cooperation. «As chairman of the board of directors of Franke Holding AG – he said – Christian Maeder was responsible for the strategic direction of the Group and drove it forward with confidence and foresight, thus making a significant contribution to the positive development of the company. I am delighted that my son Alexander is taking over as chairman of the board of directors and wish him every success and satisfaction in his new role».