Panasonic wants to grow by 40% in India


Panasonic India is planning to expand in the Indian market, introducing its advanced Intelligent Home appliances, including refrigerators, washing machines and microwave ovens. The company strategy aims to reach a growth of 40% in the home appliances sector in the next fiscal year.
The new Panasonic products that are going to be introduced in the Indian shops are equipped with latest generation functions and with the Econavi Invertor technology, that detects unconscious waste of energy using different sensors and optimizes operations according to environmental conditions.
The new range will include seventeen models of washing machines, four models of refrigerators, and a new Invertor microwave oven.
Among the main plusses, the washing machines feature the ActiveFoam system that create high-density foam to remove dirt from deep, while the StainMaster feature removes stubborn stains.
In cooling appliances, Intelligent Econavi sensors, instead, optimize the cooling performance for advanced energy savings and the AG Clean technology eliminates the most of present bacteria.