Faber is main sponsor of the Fabriano’s rhythmic gymnasts


Faber, Italian company of kitchen hoods, will be the main sponsor of the Fabriano’s rhythmic gymnasts team, underling its strong tie with the territory.
The Fabriano rhythmic gymnastics team won the A1 Series National Championship to become Champions of Italy for the 2017-18 season. Under the terms of the new sponsorship agreement, starting this year the team will assume the name of “Faber Ginnastica Fabriano” and a floor-side advertising banner will be displayed in the Leonardo Cesari sports centre during training sessions and in the Palaguerrieri sports centre during competitions. Finally, the team’s official leotards will bear the Faber logo.
«We are proud to make a practical contribution to a team that is so important for Fabriano – explains Riccardo Remedi, Faber’s Managing Director. – We have always worked with air as our chosen material, we have always maintained close ties with the local community, and we have always supported talented young people as part of our mission. This explains why our relationship with our local rhythmic gymnastics team is more of a partnership than a matter of sponsorship alone. We want to help these girls achieve more ambitious and prestigious objectives exactly as we do in Faber every day.»