The transition period of coexistence of the old and the new energy label could create confusion in store in the consumers mind. This problem has been discuss by an Informal Platform, that brings together representatives of Member States, industry and environmental non-governmental organisations to provides a forum within which the different stakeholders can communicate their thoughts and observations on this to date successful tool.
The members of the Informal Platform has recently met with representatives of the European Commission to present its commissioned study on the possible future transitions of Europe’s energy label.

«The European Commission – Paolo Falcioni, director-general of Ceced (European committee of domestic equipment manufaturers), commented – has the important job of ensuring Europe’s energy label remains a relevant, effective, communication tool: that the label continues to encourage informed consumer purchases.»

Stéphane Arditi, EEB (European environmental bureau) Policy manager for products and waste, agrees. «The Coolproducts campaign – Arditi said – thinks this study helps understanding issues to be addressed to make the best of the energy label reform, notably inviting to explore how to mitigate the possible consumer confusion linked to co-existence of old and new labels in stores and how to consider the evolution of the new scheme on the long term».